General Provisions
150.01 State Building Code adopted
150.02 Permit fees
150.03 Permits and special requirements for moving buildings
150.04 Special requirements in new construction
150.05 Additional construction standards
150.06 Walls, fences and hedges on private property
150.07 Contiguous territory
150.08 Swimming pool construction regulation
150.09 Completion of work
150.10 Rental Dwelling Licensing Code
150.11 Accessory buildings
Housing Maintenance Code
150.25 Title
150.26 Purpose
150.27 Discrimination and privacy
150.28 Definitions
150.29 Applicability
150.30 General responsibilities of owners
150.31 Smoke and carbon monoxide detection
150.32 Conditions of components or systems of existing residential structures
150.33 Conditions of residential housing other than components and systems