(A)   Any animal found in the city without a license tag, running at large or otherwise in violation of this chapter, shall be placed in the animal pound, and an accurate record of the time of the placement shall be kept on each animal.
   (B)   Every animal so placed in the animal pound shall be held for redemption by the owner for at least five business days.
   (C)   Impoundment records shall be preserved for at least six months and shall show:
      (1)   The description of the animal by species, breed, sex, approximate age and other distinguishing traits;
      (2)   The location at which the animal was seized;
      (3)   The date of seizure;
      (4)   The name and address of the person from whom any animal three months of age or over was received; and
      (5)   The name and address of the person to whom any animal three months of age or over was transferred.
   (D)   If unclaimed, the animal shall be humanely destroyed and the carcass disposed of, unless it is requested by a licensed educational or scientific institution under authority of M.S. § 35.71, as it may be amended from time to time; provided, however, that if a tag affixed to the animal, or a statement by the animal’s owner after seizure specifies that the animal should not be used for research, the animal shall not be made available to any such institution but may be destroyed after the expiration of the ten-day period.
   (E)   A person claiming an interest in an animal in custody under this section may prevent disposition of the animal by posting security in an amount sufficient to provide for the animal’s actual costs of care and keeping.
   (F)   The security must be posted within ten days of the seizure inclusive of the date of the seizure.
(2003 Code, § 8.05-7) (Ord. 125, passed 2-7-2005)