General Provisions
3-1-1 Village depository
3-1-2 Insufficient funds fee
3-1-3 Responsible bidder policy
3-1-4 Business service fees and petty cash fund policy
Investment Policy
3-1-15 Policy
3-1-16 Scope
3-1-17 Prudence
3-1-18 Objective
3-1-19 Delegation of authority
3-1-20 Ethics and conflicts of interest
3-1-21 Authorized financial dealers and institutions
3-1-22 Authorized and suitable investments
3-1-23 Collateralization
3-1-24 Safekeeping and custody
3-1-25 Diversification
3-1-26 Maximum maturities
3-1-27 Internal control
3-1-28 Performance standards
3-1-29 Reporting
3-1-30 Investment policy adoption and modification
Capitalization Policy
3-1-45 Policy
3-1-46 Definitions
3-1-47 Purpose
3-1-48 Asset classification
3-1-49 General administration
3-1-50 Infrastructure
3-1-51 Determination of cost
3-1-52 Estimated useful life
3-1-53 Depreciation method
3-1-54 Summary