Special uses designated are as follows:
   (A)   Any public building erected or used by any department of the municipality, school district, county, state or federal government;
   (B)   Private schools, including nursery, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, play, and special schools;
   (C)   Hospitals, clinics and institutions, including educational, religious and philanthropic institutions and convalescent homes; provided, however, that such buildings occupy not over 40% of the total area of the lot and will not have any serious and depreciating effect upon the value of the surrounding property; and provided further, that the buildings shall be set back from all yard lines a distance of not less than one foot for each foot of building height, and that adequate off-street parking space be provided;
   (D)   Cemetery;
   (E)   Community building or recreation field;
   (F)   Airport or landing field;
   (G)   Greenhouses and nurseries;
   (H)   Outdoor theaters, but only in the D and E Districts;
   (I)   Private recreational uses where buildings do not cover more than 5% of the area of the site;
   (J)   Riding stables and private stables;
   (K)   Roadside stands and recreational activities for temporary or seasonable periods;
   (L)   Radio towers and broadcasting stations;
   (M)   Extraction of sand, gravel, coal, and other raw materials;
   (N)   Parking lots on land not more than 300 feet from the boundary of any commercial or business districts;
   (O)   Clubs, and semi-public buildings;
   (P)   Commercial feed lot;
   (Q)   Automobile service station, motel, restaurant, garage, farm implement sales and services, and food stores;
   (R)   Undertaking establishment;
   (S)   Offices, but only in the C District; and
   (T)   Short-term rental units in districts zoned A (Single-Family Dwelling District), but only along Main Street and not on parcels sharing a common boundary with a school. No more than three special use permits for short-term rental units to be outstanding at the same time.
(Ord. 94-1, passed 1-17-1994; Ord. 2023-04, passed 6-20-2023) Penalty, see § 155.999