(A)   Blasting; restrictions. It is unlawful to set off or discharge more than 750 pounds of 60% dynamite, or any charge containing or releasing a disruptive force greater than 750 pounds of 60% dynamite in any one blasting operation.
   (B)   Blasting; notice required. It is unlawful to set off or detonate any primary blast or to load, pack or place the explosive for any such blast unless notice thereof has been given 24 hours before such packing, to the Chief of Police. Such notice shall describe the location of the proposed blast, the time, and the amount and kind of explosives to be used.
   (C)   Inspection. The Chief of Police or any other person designated for the purpose by the Mayor, shall inspect the location, hole, and explosives used for any such primary blast to determine that the ordinance pertaining thereto is complied with.
(Ord. 2004-09, passed 9-21-2004) Penalty, see § 94.99