(A)   It shall be the duty of every owner or his, her, or their agent of any house, duplex, condominium, building, flat or apartment or tenement in the village where people reside, board, lodge, or work, or where animal or vegetable food is prepared or served, at all times to maintain in good order and repair containers adequate to refuse, and other solid wasted generated. In addition, all owners of buildings with three or more separate housing units or apartments shall provide at least one 30-gallon container or its equivalent for each unit or apartment.
   (B)   At the owner’s option, a large volume dumpster may be used in lieu of individual garbage cans as long as the dumpster’s capacity is adequate to handle the garbage and refuse generated and it is compatible with equipment employed by the garbage collection agency.
(Ord. 2004-09, passed 9-21-2004) Penalty, see § 53.99