a.   Building Permit: The or Building Inspector issue a building permit in conformity with the particular so approved. In all cases where a particular has been granted as provided herein, application for a building permit must be made and received by the City no later than one hundred twenty (120) days thereafter, or such approval automatically be revoked unless an extension is granted. The may grant an extension of the first approval for good causes shown under such terms and conditions for such a period of time not to exceed six (6) months.
   b.   Performance Guarantee: The   require a to ensure completion of the improvements (excluding the building). The   take the form of a cash deposit, surety bond, certified check, or an irrevocable bank letter of credit.
   c.   Where actual physical construction of a substantial nature of structures authorized by a permit has not commenced within one (1) year of issuance, and a written application for extension of the approval has not been filed as provided below, the permit become null and void and all rights thereunder terminate (note: it is the of the applicant to request such an extension).
   d.   Upon written application filed prior to the termination of the one (1) year period as provided above, the   authorize a single extension of the time limit for a further period of not more than one (1) year. Such extension be granted only based on evidence from the applicant that the has a reasonable likelihood of commencing construction during the one (1) year extension period.
   e.   Any approved   be deemed a permitted in the in which it is located and is not to be considered a non-conforming use.
   f.   If a use regulated as a which has not previously received a permit ceases operations for more than one (1) year, the permit become null and void, and a new permit shall be required to reopen the use. The time frame shall be extended to two (2) years for a which was approved as a under this Ordinance amendment (i.e. a Permit is on file).
   g.   The   make periodic investigations of authorized by permit to determine continued compliance with all requirements imposed by the and this Ordinance. Non-compliance with the requirements and conditions approved for the shall constitute grounds to terminate said approval following a public hearing.