This Article is intended to regulate uses which be compatible with uses in some, but not all, locations within a particular zoning . Among the purposes of the standards of this Article are to accomplish the following:
   a.   Provide a mechanism for public input on decisions involving more intense uses.
   b.   Establish criteria for both new and infill/redevelopment consistent with the City’s   goals and objectives as stated in the City .
   c.   Ensure uses can be accommodated by the environmental capability of specific sites.
   d.   Provide site design standards to diminish negative impacts of potentially conflicting uses.
   e.   Provide greater flexibility to integrate uses within the City.
This Article provides both general standards for all Special Land Uses (Section 2101) and specific location, site or operational standards for particular Special Land Uses (Section 2102). The process for a involves a Public Hearing with the with final review on the and by the . Approval of any requires a Permit.