a.   Requirement for fence: Every owning on which there is located a pool erect and maintain thereon a or enclosure approved by the in conformance with the City Building Code.
   b.   Restriction from front yard: Swimming pools, spas, hot tubs and similar devices shall not be located in any .
   c.   There be a minimum distance of not less than ten (10) feet between the adjoining line and the outside of the pool wall. The required setbacks of the zoning (Article XX) shall apply to side if greater than ten (10) feet.
   d.   There be a distance of not less than four (4) feet between the outside edge of the pool wall and any building located on the same lot.
   e.   Surrounding walk: All public swimming pools be surrounded by a slip resistant walk at least four (4) feet wide.
   f.   Permits: Construction be in accordance with the City Building Code. Permits shall be applied for and issued from the City Building Department prior to or construction of any , spa, hot tub or similar device requiring a as noted above. The application shall be accompanied by a complete set of plans and specifications. A final inspection and approval from the City Building Department must be obtained prior to of the .