(a) Minimum Lot Area. There shall be a total lot area of not less than 2 times the ground area covered by the buildings, structures, parking areas, and driveways thereon.
(c) Minimum Front Yard Depth. 75 feet.
(d) Minimum Side Yard Depth. 25 feet on lots not adjacent to a residential district; corner lots shall have the required front yard depth facing all streets.
(e) Minimum Rear Yard Depth. 20 feet on lots not adjacent to a residential district.
(f) Side and Rear Yard for Lots Adjacent to a Residential District. 50 feet; corner lots shall have the required front yard depth facing all streets.
(g) Buffer Strips Required In Side and Rear Yards Adjacent to a Residential District. Refer to Section 1292.08.
(i) Exterior Lighting. Exterior light sources on buildings or within parking areas or driveways shall not be directly visible from any adjoining property in a residential zoning district.
(k) Signage. All signs shall be limited to being ground-mounted or wall-mounted and shall conform to Chapter 1288 and the following standards:
(1) No ground sign may be located closer than 10 feet from the right-of- way line.
(2) The maximum height for any ground mounted sign is 5 feet above grade.
(3) A monument sign shall be constructed of materials compatible with the facade of the building in which the identified use is located, or compatible with the landscaping of the parcel on which the sign is located.
(Ord. 01-014. Passed 7-17-01.)