Landscape design and plantings shall be utilized to highlight architectural features or screen or soften undesirable views. The landscaping requirements of the underlying district apply in addition to the following:
   (a)   A 15-foot deep unobstructed open buffer strip shall be provided next to the right-of-way. The buffer strip must be mounded with 3:1 slopes and landscaped with trees and random plantings or shrubs or other plant material. Parking in this strip shall be prohibited.
   (b)   An alternate arrangement of plant materials and/or other landscape features may be proposed and approved as part of the site plan review process. Any alternatives to the requirements stated herein shall provide an equivalent level of landscape treatment.
   (c)   All approved landscaping to be provided on any building site shall be completed within 6 months from the date of occupancy of the building site.
(Ord. 01-014. Passed 7-17-01.)