In the CB District, the following uses may be permitted as conditional uses by the Planning Commission with the consent of Council or Council without the consent of the Planning Commission and subject to the general conditions as set forth in Chapter 1250:
   (a)   Dwelling units.
   (b)   Service stations; automobile repair garages; automobile, truck travel- trailer sales lots; vehicle parking lots.
   (c)   Amusement arcades.
   (d)   Theaters and concert halls.
   (e)   Child care or elderly adult day care facilities with more than seven persons (see Chapter 1287).
   (f)   Outdoor vending machines.
   (g)   Churches and other places of worship and their associated residences.
   (h)   Private or nonprofit clubs or lodges.
   (i)   Lawn mower service.
   (j)   Pocket park. A small park located within the Central Business District (CB) which shall be accessible to the general public, unless it is created as part of the public space requirement of a larger building project or complex. A pocket park shall meet the following conditions:
      (1)   Size of pocket park shall not exceed 0.25 acre or 10,890 square feet.
      (2)   Pocket park shall not border any residentially zoned district (R-1A, R-1B, R-2, R-3, Manufactured Home Park District (MHP) or Planned Unit Development District (PUD)).
      (3)   Design plans of any landscaped areas within pocket park are subject to Planning Commission approval.
      (4)   Yard, lot coverage, and height restrictions of pocket park shall conform to the table set forth in Section 1286.01 of the Codified Ordinances.
      (5)   Pocket park shall maintain adequate access points and pathways.
      (6)   No playground equipment shall be permitted within pocket park.
      (7)   Accessory structures located within pocket park shall be permitted only as open structures (no solid walls).
      (8)   Landscaped areas within pocket park shall be maintained by property owner or property owner’s agent.
      (9)   All lighting fixtures located within pocket park shall be shielded and subject to (0.5) foot-candles at property lot line.
      (10)   No permanent sound equipment shall be permitted within a pocket park.
      (11)   No food or carbonated beverages shall be prepared or served within pocket park without prior permission of Council.
   (k)   Any other uses similar in nature as determined by the Planning Commission with the consent of Council or Council without the consent of the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 01-014. Passed 7-17-01; Ord. 16-019. Passed 8-16-16.)