General District Regulations
1287.01   Purpose.
1287.02   Conversion of dwelling to more units.
1287.03    General lot area regulations.
1287.04   General yard requirements.
1287.05   Building regulations.
1287.06   Regulation of accessory uses and buildings.
1287.07   Sexually-oriented businesses.
1287.08   Adult group homes.
1287.09   Amusement arcades.
1287.10   Child care or elderly adult day care facilities.
1287.11   Home occupations.
1287.12   Junk.
1287.13   Noise.
1287.14   Satellite dish antennas.
1287.15   Swimming pools.
1287.16   Wireless telecommunication towers.
1287.17   Open storage and display of material and equipment.
1287.18   Single-family cluster developments; conditions for approval.
1287.19   Parking of recreational vehicles in residential districts.
Division of municipal corporations into zones - see Ohio R.C. 713.06
Restrictions on location, bulk and height of buildings and structures - see Ohio R.C. 713.07 et seq.
Restrictions on percentage of lot occupancy and set-back building lines - see Ohio R.C. 713.09
Basis of districting or zoning; classification of buildings or structures - see Ohio R.C. 713.10
Nuisances - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3767
Noise control - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 634
Safety, Sanitation and Health - see GEN. OFF. Ch. 660
Amusement devices - see B.R. & T. Ch. 804
Nonconforming uses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1252
Zoning Districts and Zoning Map - see P. & Z. Ch. 1254
Signs and outdoor advertising - see P. & Z. Ch. 1288
Off-street parking and loading - see P. & Z. Ch. 1290
Sexually-oriented businesses - see P. & Z. Ch. 1294
Ohio Plumbing Code - see B. & H. Ch. 1422
National Electrical Code - see B. & H. Ch. 1424
Permit fees for swimming pools - see B. & H. 1440.07(b)(6)
Fences generally - see B. & H. 1462.07