(A) A dumpster must be well maintained and in good working condition, displaying the name or logo and telephone number of the owner of the dumpster, and be suitably supported at each contact point to prevent damage to paved surfaces.
(B) A dumpster must be covered when materials inside are easily airborne, pose a hazard, emit an odor, or are otherwise offensive.
(C) A dumpster must have all debris placed inside the dumpster; not along side or on top of the dumpster.
(D) A dumpster is required to be emptied when full. For the purpose of this subchapter,
FULL is defined as when the contents of the dumpster reach an average level of one foot below the top edge of the dumpster sides. Any dumpster which has reached the full status, and is not emptied within seven calendar days shall be considered in violation of this subchapter.
(E) Cleaning dumpsters on the street or sidewalk is not permitted.
(Ord. 845, passed 5-5-2009) Penalty, see § 10.99