(A)   Criteria for issuance. The city shall issue a permit for a proposed parade, event, block party, performance or filming unless it finds that:
      (1)   The conduct of the parade, event, block party, performance or filming will substantially interrupt the safe and orderly movement of other traffic contiguous to its route including whether it will block any persons from being able to have vehicle access to their property without their advance consent;
      (2)   The conduct of the parade, event, block party, performance or filming will require the diversion of so great a number of police officers of the city to properly police the line of movement and of contiguous areas that adequate police protection cannot be provided to the remainder of the city;
      (3)   The concentration of persons, animals, equipment or vehicles at assembly points or other areas will substantially interfere with adequate fire and police protection of, or ambulance service to, areas near such areas, or will hinder the movement of firefighting equipment;
      (4)   The conduct of the parade, event, block party, performance or filming is reasonably likely to result in violence to persons or property, causing serious harm to the public;
      (5)   The route has been requested recurringly in the past year and is too disruptive to residents or businesses.
   (B)   Liability insurance. The city shall require proof of liability insurance in an amount of at least the caps in the South Carolina Tort Claims Act and shall require the execution of an agreement to indemnify the city in the event of any claims arising from the event.
   (C)   Adequate cleanup and sanitation must be provided. All permits shall contain the implied condition that all areas shall be cleaned by the event applicant and the applicant shall be liable for any costs incurred by the city for additional cleaning activity.
(Ord. 2021-033, passed 12-14-2021)