(a)   No manufacturer, producer, distributor, supplier, wholesaler or retailer of cigarettes or other tobacco products, or any agent, employee or representative of a manufacturer, producer, distributor, supplier, wholesaler or retailer of cigarettes or other tobacco products shall do any of the following:
      (1)   Give, sell or otherwise distribute cigarettes or other tobacco products to any person under eighteen years of age.
      (2)   Give, sell or distribute cigarettes or other tobacco products in any place that does not have posted in a conspicuous place a sign stating that giving, selling or otherwise distributing cigarettes or other tobacco products to a person under eighteen years of age is prohibited by law.
   (b)   No person shall sell, give away or provide cigarettes or other tobacco products to, or buy these products for, any person under the age of eighteen years.
   (c)   No person under the age of eighteen years shall purchase, possess, smoke, or use cigarettes or other tobacco products.
   (d)   No person under the age of eighteen years shall order, pay for, share the cost of, or attempt to purchase cigarettes or any tobacco products.
   (e)   No person under the age of eighteen years shall knowingly show or give false information concerning his name, age or other identification for the purpose of purchasing or otherwise obtaining cigarettes or other tobacco products in any place in the Village where cigarettes or other tobacco products are sold.
   (f)   No person shall knowingly furnish any false information as to the name, age or other identification of any person under eighteen years of age for the purpose of obtaining, or with the intent to obtain, cigarettes or other tobacco products for a person under eighteen years of age, by purchase or as a gift.
   (g)   No person shall solicit any person under eighteen years of age to purchase, deliver, or have delivered, cigarettes or other tobacco products.
(Ord. 98-3. Passed 3-9-98.)