The owner of a Vacant Building, defined as either a building ordered in whole or in part to be vacated or kept vacant by the Property Maintenance Code Official ("Code Official") or a building determined by the Code Official to be vacant as defined below, shall apply for a Vacant Building Maintenance License, cause the premises to conform to the minimum standards of safety and structural integrity set forth in Section 1341.04 herein, and obtain a Vacant Building Maintenance License. A Notice requiring compliance (Initial Notice) shall be sent by ordinary U.S. Mail to the owner of such building as identified in the records of the Hamilton County Auditor, and a copy of such Notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon the property at the Vacant Building. A building shall be determined to be vacant if such building does not have identifiable utility connections necessary for safe use and occupancy, or upon inspection by the Code Official the building appears to be abandoned and not occupied by the owner or any family member of the owner or tenant.
(Ord. 2020-2. Passed 2-24-20.)