Council shall appoint a Solicitor who shall be an Attorney at law admitted to practice in Ohio. He/she shall be the legal advisor of and attorney and counsel for the Village and for all officers and departments thereof in all matters relating to their official duties, and shall, when requested, give legal opinions in writing. He/she shall represent the Village in all litigation to which it may be a party and shall, upon request of the Mayor or police officials of the Village prosecute for all offenses against the ordinances of the Village or against the laws of Ohio in actions before the Mayor's Court, and on appeal therefrom. He/she shall, upon request, prepare all contracts, bonds and other instruments in writing in which the Village is concerned and shall endorse on each his/her approval of the form and correctness thereof. He/she shall perform all other duties of a legal nature imposed upon him/her by any measure of Council or imposed upon the chief legal officers of municipalities by a general law of Ohio which municipalities are not entitled to modify. He/she shall serve for the term of the Council appointing him.