(a)   The Mayor shall prepare a job description for the position of Village Administrator consistent with the obligations and duties as outlined in this Code of Ordinances and as may be approved from time to time by Council. Such job description shall be affirmed by Council at the time the position is posted as a vacancy.
   (b)   The Village Administrator shall be appointed by the Mayor, but shall not take office unless his/her appointment has been approved by a majority vote of the members of Council. The Village Administrator shall not be an elected official, nor hold any other public office during his/her tenure in office. If he/she does hold such position at the time of his/her appointment, he/she shall have thirty (30) days to resign such position or office.
   (c)   The Village Administrator may designate, by letter filed with the Mayor, a qualified Department Head or other Administrative Director of the Village to perform his duties during his temporary absence or disability for a period not exceeding 30 days. In the event that such a designation has not been made, or in the event that a temporary absence or disability exceeds 30 days, Council may by Resolution upon recommendation of the Mayor, appoint a qualified Department Head or Administrative Director of the Village, or other qualified person, to perform the duties of the Administrator until he shall return or until his disability shall cease. In the event of a temporary absence of the Village Administrator, if no designation is in place, the Mayor may appoint for a period not to exceed 72 hours a qualified Department Head or Administrative Director of the Village to serve as the acting Administrator. No additional compensation shall be paid to a temporary designee or temporary appointee unless otherwise approved by Council.
   (d)   The Village Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and the Council. The Mayor is authorized to set a probationary period with the appointment of the Village Administrator for a period not to exceed six months during which in the Mayor's discretion the Village Administrator may be terminated. The Village Administrator may be removed after the probationary period without cause by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the members of Council. The Village Administrator may be removed without cause after the probationary period by the affirmative vote of three-fourths of the members of Council without consent of the Mayor.
(Ord. 2017-1. Passed 1-9-17.)