(a)    The Service Director is hereby designated as the agent of the Village for planning and carrying out its programs of urban renewal.
   (b)   The Service Director shall select project areas from urban renewal areas delineated and certified to the Service Director by the Council, and the Service Director is hereby authorized to cause to be undertaken either by force account or by contract the necessary studies, plans and surveys in connection with such project areas and shall cause an urban renewal plan to be prepared covering each project area. An urban renewal plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)    A description of the boundaries of the project area.
      (2)    A map or maps showing land uses proposed in the project area after renewal thereof, the proposed street layout, and any publicly or privately owned community facilities to be constructed in the project area.
      (3)    A statement indicating the uses and development restrictions on property in the project area which is to be acquired by the Village.
      (4)    A statement as to the kind and number of additional public facilities or utilities which will be required in the project area after redevelopment or rehabilitation. (Ord. 2002-1. Passed 2-11-02.)