(a) The building permit review process shall not begin until the Water Management and Sediment Control Plan, together with other submissions required by this chapter are approved by the Village Engineer.
(b) Three copies of the complete plan and supporting data shall be filed with the Building Department at least two weeks prior to the meeting of the Planning Commission. The Village Engineer or his representative shall review and recommend such changes or modifications as are deemed necessary to the Planning Commission. There shall be paid at that time a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for all plans required to include a Water Management and Sediment Control Plan.
(c) The Village Engineer shall also refer a copy of the plans or extension of previously approved plans requiring water management and sediment control measures to the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District for review and recommendation as to adequate water management and sediment control measures to prevent damage to other properties.
(d) The Planning Commission shall review these plans as submitted, together with the recommendations of the Village Administrator, Building Official, Village Engineer and the Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District. If the Commission approves the plans, it shall so advise the Building Official who shall insure compliance by the applicant with the plans as finally approved.
(e) Every Water Management and Sediment Control Plan approval shall expire and become null and void if the work authorized has not commenced within 120 days, or is not completed within two years from date of issue. The Planning Commission may grant a reasonable extension of time if the permit holder presents satisfactory evidence that unusual difficulties have prevented work being started or completed within the specified time limits and if written application is made before the expiration date of this permit.
(f) The Planning Commission and the Village Administrator shall make a continuing review and evaluation of the methods used and overall effectiveness of the storm water management and sediment control program.
(Ord. 91-10. Passed 8-12-91.)