A variance from the terms of this Zoning Ordinance shall not be granted by the Planning Commission unless and until a written application for a variance is submitted to the Zoning Administrator. The application shall be signed by the owner or applicant attesting to the truth and exactness of all information supplied by the application. At a minimum, the application shall contain the following information:
   (a)   Name, address and telephone number of applicant;
   (b)   A survey by a registered civil engineer shall be required when a requested variance is a variance from the set-back requirements, a change or addition to the existing exterior of a structure, or the location of a fence or other structure upon the property. Such survey shall set forth the location of the existing structure or structures upon such property and the proposed location of any change, modification or other structure which is the subject of the variance request. The Service Director is authorized to waive any or all parts of this requirement if the applicant provides such additional documentation or information to the Director to satisfy the Director that equivalent information is being provided to the Planning Commission to appropriately consider the variance. The Planning Commission, however, as a condition to granting such variance or as a condition to final consideration of the variance, may, by a majority vote of those members present and voting, require this additional information although previously waived by the Director.
   (c)   Description of the nature of variance requested;
   (d)   A statement demonstrating that the requested variance conforms to the standards set forth in Section 1143.30; and
   (e)   A fee as established by Council.
(Ord. 92-20. Passed 11-23-92; Ord. 95-26. Passed 11-27-95; Ord. 01-7. Passed 6-25-01.)