(a)   Upon the receipt of an applicaiton, Resolution or upon the passage of a motion of the Planning Commission as provided by Section 1143.13, Planning Commission shall set a meeting date for reviewing the proposed amendment.
   (b)   Whenever the Planning Commission is to consider a map amendment that proposes to rezone ten or fewer parcels as listed on the tax duplicate, notice shall be given by First Class Mail to the applicant and to all owners of property within 200 feet of the property proposed to be rezoned or redistricted. Such notice shall be given at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting. Such notice shall include the time and place of the meeting and a summary of the proposed amendment. The failure of delivery of such notice shall not invalidate any recommendation of the Planning Commission, nor any subsequently enacted ordinance.
(Ord. 2018-9. Passed 8-13-18.)