General Provisions
91.01 Designation of bird sanctuary; certain birds protected
91.02 Animals prohibited in city within 200 yards of certain establishments
91.03 Running at large prohibited
91.04 Impoundment procedures
Dogs, Cats and Other Animals
91.15 Definitions
91.16 Limitation on number allowed
91.17 Keeping vicious animals prohibited
91.18 Animals running at large prohibited
91.19 Female animals in heat
91.20 Public nuisances
91.21 Animal Control Officer
91.22 Rabies
91.23 When certain animals are required to be captured or destroyed
91.24 Obstruction or interference with impoundment procedures
91.25 Tethering of animals
91.26 Defecation on streets and private property
91.27 Exceptions to prohibition on feeding feral animals
Other Animals
91.50 Domestic fowl