Direct users to adopt the following conservation measures:
(A) Continue all voluntary conservation measures.
(B) Watering lawns, gardens, and plant material is allowed only two days per week. Persons may water on Tuesday night and Friday night (7:00 p.m. to midnight) if they are located on the north side of Ash Street. Persons may water on Wednesday night and Saturday night (7:00 p.m. to midnight) if they are located on the south side of Ash Street. (Set a timer as a reminder to turn off the water. Six hundred gallons of water can be wasted in one hour.)
(C) No pressure washing or other washing of houses, driveways, rain gutters and the like except on Saturdays and Sundays. Commercial pressure-washing businesses with a valid city privilege license (obtained prior to the adoption of any mandatory water conservation phase) may operate without disruption provided all efforts to conserve water are observed.
(D) Personal vehicle washing shall not be allowed except on Saturdays and Sundays. Water hoses shall be turned off or use a pistol grip sprayer, or similar device, when not actually being used to rinse off the vehicle. Carwash fundraisers for non-profit organizations shall be allowed provided all water hoses are turned off or use a pistol grip sprayer, or similar device, when not essential for rinsing of vehicles.
(E) Golf courses and athletic fields are encouraged to reduce water consumption.
(F) Do not misuse or intentionally waste water.
(G) Leaking water services or plumbing must be repaired within 24 hours of written notification by the city.
(H) The city will delay the implementation of landscape code requirements until the next planting season after return-to-normal condition. However, a performance bond will be required for any landscaping required by the city’s Unified Development Ordinance. The bond shall be in accordance with all Unified Development Ordinance standards.
Direct users to adopt the following conservation measures:
(A) Continue all voluntary conservation measures.
(B) Watering lawns, gardens and plant material is allowed only one day per week. You may water on Friday night (7:00 p.m. to midnight) if you are located on the north side of Ash Street. You may water on Saturday night (7:00 p.m. to midnight) if you are located on the south side of Ash Street. Set a timer to remind you to turn off the water. Six hundred gallons of water can be wasted in one hour.
(C) No pressure washing or washing of houses, driveways, rain gutters and the like except by commercial pressure washing businesses with a valid city of privilege license (obtained prior to the adoption of any mandatory water conservation phase). Commercial pressure washers may operate without disruption provided all efforts to conserve water are observed.
(D) No personal or commercial vehicle washing except at commercial car washes. Automobile dealerships may wash or rinse cars off once per week provided all water hoses are turned off or use a pistol grip sprayer, or similar device, when not essential for the rinsing of vehicles.
(E) Do not fill ornamental pools or fountains.
(F) Water will not be served in restaurants except when requested by customers. It takes water to wash the glasses too. Restaurants should be encouraged to sell/serve bottled water to customers.
(G) No use of water from public or private hydrants or other source for any purpose other than fire suppression, construction or other public emergency or water utility needs. No bulk sales.
(H) Do not operate water-cooled equipment that does not recycle cooling water, except when health and safety are adversely affected.
(I) Golf courses and athletic fields must reduce water consumption by 70%.
(J) No use of water for dust control/compaction.
(K) All non-residential water users should formulate and implement a plan to reduce water consumption as detailed in § 52.24.
(L) Do not misuse or intentionally waste water.
(M) Leaking water services or plumbing must be repaired within 24 hours of written notification by the city.
(N) Watering of vegetation installed as part of a required Best Management Practice (BMP) for compliance with the Neuse River Basin Stormwater Rules will be allowed to be watered on Wednesdays and Saturdays (from 7:00 p.m. to midnight). A watering permit shall be obtained from the city prior to installation of any BMP vegetation.
(O) No carwash fundraisers are allowed during Phase II Mandatory Water Conservation.
(A) Continue all voluntary conservation measures.
(B) No outdoor watering of plants and vegetation. This includes residential or commercial lawns, gardens, golf courses and athletic fields. The city shall lock all irrigation meters to prevent unauthorized water usage.
(C) No pressure washing or washing of houses, driveways, rain gutters and the like, including commercial pressure washing businesses.
(D) No personal or commercial vehicle washing except at commercial carwashes. Commercial car washes shall reduce their annual average consumption by 30%. Water usage in excess of the required 30% reduction will result in an excess demand surcharge of double water and sewer rates for all water usage in excess of the required 30% reduction. Automobile dealerships are not allowed to rinse or wash off their vehicles during the Phase III Mandatory Conservation Phase.
(E) Do not fill ornamental pools or fountains.
(F) Water will not be served in restaurants except when requested by customers. It takes water to wash the glasses too. Restaurants should be encouraged to sell/serve bottled water to the customers.
(G) No use of water from public or private hydrants or other source for any purpose other than fire suppression, construction or other public emergency or water utility needs. No bulk sales.
(H) Do not operate water-cooled equipment that does not recycle cooling water, except when health and safety are adversely affected.
(I) No use of water for dust control/compaction.
(J) All non-residential water users should formulate and implement a plan to reduce water as detailed in § 52.24.
(K) Do not misuse or intentionally waste water.
(L) Leaking water services or plumbing must be repaired within 24 hours of written notification by the city.
(M) Required vegetation that is required to be installed as part of a required Best Management Practice (BMP) for compliance with the Neuse River Basin Stormwater Rules shall not be planted unless the property owner signs a statement certifying that any water used for irrigation will be brought from outside of the city’s public water supply system. Property owners who elect not to haul in water to irrigate the required landscaping shall construct the BMP to the point of landscaping installation and bond the plant material in accordance with City of Goldsboro Unified Development Ordinance standards.
(N) Projects subject to landscaping installation may elect to defer installation due to the drought but shall be required to post a bond to the City of Goldsboro for the required landscaping in accordance with the city’s Unified Development Ordinance standards.
(O) No carwash fundraisers are allowed during Phase III Mandatory Water Conservation.
(A) Residential penalties:
(1) 1st offense: warning.
(2) 2nd offense: $50 civil penalty plus $50 administrative fee due and payable within ten days of notice being left at or mailed to the residence.
(3) Subsequent offenses: Each subsequent offense in the same calendar year, $125 civil penalty plus $75 administrative fee due and payable within ten days of notice being left at or mailed to the residence.
(B) Non-residential penalties:
(1) 1st offense: warning.
(2) 2nd offense: $150 civil penalty pus $50 administrative fee due and payable within ten days of notice being left at or mailed to the non-residential address.
(3) Each subsequent offense in the same calendar year: $750 civil penalty plus $250 administrative fee due and payable within ten days of notice being left at or mailed to the non-residential address.
(A) Reduce laundry usage or services by changing bed linens and the like only when necessary to preserve the health of patients or residents.
(B) Use disposable food service items.
(A) Identify and repair all leaky fixtures and water-using equipment. Give special attention to equipment connected directly to water lines, such as processing machines, steam-using machines, washing machines, water-cooled air conditioners and furnaces.
(B) Assure that valves and solenoids that control water flows are shut off completely when the water-using cycle is not engaged.
(C) Adjust water-using equipment to use the minimum amount of water required to achieve its stated purpose.
(D) Shorten rinse cycles for laundry machines as much as possible; implement lower water levels wherever possible.
(E) For processing, cooling, and other uses, either re-use water or use water from sources that would not adversely affect public water supplies.
(F) Advise employees, students, patients, customers and other users not to flush toilets after every use.
(G) Install toilet tank displacement inserts; place flow restrictors in shower heads and faucets; close down automatic flushes overnight.
(H) Install automatic flushing valves which use as little water as possible or to cycle at longer intervals.
(I) Enact a water conservation education program for your employees, students, patients, customers and the like. Educate them on how to conserve and also that you are conserving water.
(J) Check meters on a frequent basis to determine consumptive patterns.
(K) Review usage patterns to see where other savings can be made.
NOTE: The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance provides free consulting to industries on water conservation.
Contact: Keys McGee, Environmental Engineer
(919) 733-4398 (work), (919) 715-6794 (fax)
(Ord. 2005-105, passed 11-21-05; Am. Ord. 2007-91, passed 10-25-07; Am. Ord. 2009-60, passed 8-3-09)