(A)   Whenever the Mayor of the city is informed by the City Manager that raw water supplies are well below the level necessary to meet basic water needs and that serious shortages exist, the Mayor is empowered to declare by this subchapter that a water shortage interruption situation exists. Under a water shortage interruption situation, it is contingent upon the city to provide critically-limited water supplies, in order to preserve public health and safety of its citizens.
   (B)   In addition, the Mayor (or City Manager or his or her designee) is authorized to call upon all water customers to employ water shortage interruption measures as outlined in Addendum 4. These restrictions shall continue until this phase is ended by the announcement by the city that water service interruptions conditions no longer exist.
   (C)   If the water shortage crisis indicates that despite conservation measures in effect, the water supply cannot meet the city's water consumption, broader water main interruptions may be required which will affect water users. The following provisions shall govern the implementation of temporary service interruptions.
      (1)   In order to effectuate compliance with this subchapter, the city is hereby authorized and required to plan and implement temporary service interruptions to all or part of its water supply system, as may be deemed appropriate, when any and/or all of the following conditions are determined to exist:
         (a)   The mandated reduction in system-wide usage has not been achieved; and/or
         (b)   The mandated reduction in system-wide water usage has been achieved, but has failed to have a significant impact in extending limited water supplies; and/or
         (c)   Temporary service interruptions are necessary in order to further extend limited and/or dwindling water supplies.
      (2)   In the event it is determined that temporary service interruptions are necessary, the city shall notify its customers through the public media (newspapers, radio, and television), at least one day prior to the temporary service interruptions, that a planned, temporary service interruption is to be imposed. Such notice shall:
         (a)   State the day or days when the planned, temporary service interruption will occur;
         (b)   State the time(s) when such planned, temporary service interruptions will commence, and the time(s) such interruption will cease;
         (c)   State whether the planned, temporary service interruptions are to be imposed on the entire system, or part thereof, and, if only part(s) of the system will experience planned, temporary service interruptions, identify geographic boundaries within which such interruptions will occur; and
         (d)   Advise all customers within the areas affected by planned, temporary service interruptions how to treat any water received from the system, for human consumption, during the period(s) of such interruptions and for such additional time as may be necessary until full pressure is restored to the system.
      (3)   If a planned, temporary service interruption is imposed as authorized and required by this subchapter, the city must provide for the continued delivery of water to health care facilities within the area(s) affected by such interruptions, by means of any adequate, alternative delivery measures that may be necessary.
      (4)   If a planned, temporary service interruption is implemented, the city must make provision, by any means possible, for the continued delivery of such water as may be necessary for the proper operation of sewage collection, treatment, and disposal systems and facilities.
      (5)   If a planned, temporary service interruption is implemented, the city shall impose a temporary moratorium on all new service connections to the city's water system.
(Ord. 2005-105, passed 11-21-05; Am. Ord. 2007-91, passed 10-25-07; Am. Ord. 2009-60, passed 8-3-09)