The purpose is to provide a funding mechanism for the following services:
(A) The administration, planning, analysis, installation, construction, operation, maintenance and replacement of public drainage systems.
(B) The administration, planning, implementation, construction, and maintenance of storm water best management practices (BMP's) to reduce the introduction of sediment and other pollutants into local water resources.
(C) Other education, engineering, inspection, monitoring, testing and enforcement activities as necessary to maintain compliance with local, state and federal storm water requirements.
(Ord. 115, passed 10-14-2014)
There is hereby established a public utility to be known as the storm water utility for the city. The storm water utility shall be operated as a public utility pursuant to the city code and applicable Minnesota Statutes. The revenues derived there from shall be subject to provisions of this section and M.S. § 444.075. The storm water utility shall be part of the Public Works Department and shall be administered by the Public Works Director. This chapter shall apply to the entire city.
(Ord. 115, passed 10-14-2014)
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following terms, as used in this section, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated.
LAND USE. The LAND USE for a given parcel shall be the “tax classification” for that parcel on record at the Pope County Recorder's Office, or other land use classification that is updated by the City Zoning Officer.
MULTI-FAMILY. Land use classification of parcels with four or more living units.
RESIDENTIAL. Land use classification of parcels with three or less living units.
RESIDENTIAL EQUIVALENCY FACTOR. Referred to herein as “REF”, is the ratio of the accumulated direct runoff generated by a particular land use to the accumulated direct runoff generated by the residential land use.
SURFACE AREA. Referred to herein as “SA”, shall be the area of the parcel in acres, subject to any standardization, adjustments or exceptions outlined in this chapter.
UNIT RATE. Referred to herein as “UR”, is the rate in dollars per acre to be charged per one REF.
(Ord. 115, passed 10-14-2014)