A.   Term Of License: For the purpose of this section, the licensing year shall run from July 1 of the current year to June 30 of the following year.
   B.   Expiration Of License; Fees Prorated: All licenses required by this chapter shall expire on June 30 of the licensing year for which they were issued, and the fee to be paid shall be the full annual rate for that year; provided, however, that if such vehicle has been purchased or otherwise acquired by the applicant on or after January 1 of the licensing year for which a license is applied, or if the applicant has moved to the Village from another municipality on or after January 1 of the licensing year for which a license is applied, the fee to be paid for the remainder of the licensing year shall be an amount equal to one-half (1/2) of the annual license fee, but the applicant shall be entitled to such reduced fee only upon submission to the village clerk of evidence satisfactory to him that the vehicle was purchased or otherwise acquired on or after January 1.
   C.   Late Charge: A late charge shall be charged in the event that such license is acquired after the date when the license shall have been obtained in accordance with this section as follows:
      1.   There shall be a late charge of ten dollars ($10.00) in the event the vehicle license is purchased during the month of July.
      2.   There shall be a late charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) in the event the vehicle license is purchased during the month of August.
      3.   There shall be a late charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) in the event the vehicle license is purchased during the month of September.
      4.   The maximum late charge shall be thirty dollars ($30.00).
   D.   Payment And Collection Of Fee:
      1.   When a resident applies for the current year's vehicle license, the village clerk shall determine whether or not the resident has purchased a vehicle license for the same vehicle for the prior year. In the event the resident owned the same vehicle during the prior year, had been a resident of the village during the prior year, and has not purchased a vehicle license, the village clerk shall collect the fee owed for the prior year's license.
      2.   When an individual moves to the village or begins his/her temporary residence in the village or acquires a vehicle that has not previously been licensed with the village, the individual shall be allowed a forty five (45) day grace period within which to pay the required fee and obtain a vehicle license. (Ord. 2007-71, 6-21-2007)