Whenever the chief of police of the village receives any combination of three (3) or more police reports documenting the occurrence of nuisance activity, as set forth in section 5-2-1, definition of "nuisance activities", subsections A through T of this chapter, or community development department reports documenting the occurrence of nuisance activity, as provided in section 5-2-1, definition of "nuisance activities", subsection U of this chapter, within a six (6) month period, on or within a property, the chief of police, or his/her designee, shall independently review such reports and any other relevant facts or evidence to determine whether nuisance activity or other prohibited conduct, as provided in section 5-2-1, definition of "nuisance activities" of this chapter, has occurred at or on the property in question. Upon a determination by the chief of police, or his/her designee, that the complained of activity(ies) has occurred, the chief of police may initiate those procedures for addressing chronic nuisance property, as detailed in section 5-2-4 of this chapter. (Ord. 2016-54, 10-6-2016)