A.   In accordance with an act authorizing certain governmental units to purchase personal property, supplies and services jointly, the village board of trustees does herein deem it to be in the best interests of the village that the village be allowed to participate in such joint purchasing under purchasing agreements with the state of Illinois or with other governmental units or bodies in an effort to benefit from lower prices in obtaining such personal property, supplies and services by joint purchase agreements with other governmental units or bodies and to similarly benefit from the reduction or elimination of administrative time and manpower in otherwise processing such purchasing procedures on an individual basis, including the preparation of bids, bidding information and other time consuming purchasing functions.
   B.   The village board of trustees does herein determine, approve and authorize the village to become a participant in the joint purchasing of personal property, supplies and services, whenever feasible, with the state of Illinois or with other governmental units. (1978 Code § 1-11-5)