(A) Each full-time employee of the village shall be entitled to 4.6 hours of sick leave pay for each 80 hours of service, or 15 days per calendar year, without limit, as described in R.C. § 124.38.
(B) Sick leave may be used for the following reasons:
(1) Personal illness.
(2) Injury.
(3) Exposure to contagious diseases which would be communicated to other employees.
(4) Illness, injury, or death in the employee's immediate family. (See § 34.03)
(C) (1) Compensation will be paid the employee provided that he has contacted their immediate supervisor prior to the start of the scheduled work period. Any illness, as defined in division (B) above, that is three consecutive work days, or more, must present a doctor's certificate in order to be paid for the time off.
(2) To receive sick pay for an illness or injury lasting ten days or longer, the department head may require the employee to submit to a medical examination from a physician selected by the Mayor. The results of that examination must be turned over to the employee's department head. Failure to turn over the examination records will result in the loss of all pay and benefits and will become grounds for dismissal.
(3) Sick leave credit cannot be earned while an employee is on long term sick leave. Long term sick leave being defined as ten days or more.
(D) (1) An employee who transfers from another public agency shall be credited with the unused balance of their accumulated sick leave from that other agency as required in R.C. § 124.38.
(2) To receive such credit, the employee must present a written statement from their past public employer attesting to the amount of unused sick leave the employee accumulated, and certifying that the employee had not been compensated for the accumulated balance.
(3) No credit will be given for an employee who has been out of public service for ten years or longer.
(E) For retirement purposes, an employee shall be paid 50% of his accumulated sick leave up to a maximum accumulation of 120 days.
(Am. Ord. 2005-09, passed 3-7-05)
(F) As of July 1, 1985, an employee of the village who has accumulated 120 days or more of unused sick leave, shall, upon application, be compensated for unused sick leave in excess of 120 days. The rate of compensation shall be one day's pay for two days of unused sick leave and payable the second week in January of each calendar year.
(Am. Ord. 2004-07, passed 3-1-04)
(1) Employees who terminate their employment or who have their employment terminated from the village prior to December 31 of any year, shall not be eligible to receive the payment the following January.
(2) Retiring employees will be compensated at the rate as contained in division (E) above.
(3) Effective June 1, 1987 and thereafter an employee shall receive payment for unused sick leave upon termination of employment by death in the same manner as received upon termination of employment by retirement.
(G) (1) An employee of the village, who within a 12-month period, uses in excess of four occasions of sick time, will be subject to counseling by his department head, who will make a report of his findings in writing to the Village Administrator. For further occasions of sick leave during the 12-month period, the Administrator may require from such employee a doctor's excuse and take such other action as is consistent with this section. Within this context, an occasion is defined as "any consecutive period of work days greater than four hours during which an employee is absent from regular work and for which the employee is claiming sick leave."
(2) Employees of the village who have three or fewer sick time occasions in a given year will be entitled to an additional eight hours of vacation time for every week of vacation credit. For purposes of adding this credit to the current year record of an employee, his work record of actual sick time occasions for the preceding year will be used.
(Am. Ord. 1985-22, passed 7-1-85; Am. Ord. 1987-26, passed 7-6-87; Am. Ord. 1990-19, passed - - 90)