   The city hereby authorizes departmental audits of the city’s Community Development and Urban Renewal Agency, the City Water Commission and the Electric Plant Board of the city. The audits are to cover the entire operations of the agencies designated and all funds under their control. This section will be in effect for all future audits unless otherwise revoked by the City Council.
(1989 Code, § 33.05) (Res. 810, passed 10-8-1990)
   (A)   The Mayor shall designate as the city’s official depositories one or more banks, federally insured savings and loan companies or trust companies within the Commonwealth. The amount of funds on deposit in an official depository shall be fully insured by deposit insurance or collateralized in accordance with 12 U.S.C. § 1823, to the extent uninsured, by any obligations, including surety bonds, permitted by KRS 41.240(4).
   (B)   All receipts from any source of city money or money for which the city is responsible, which has not been otherwise invested or deposited in a manner authorized by law, shall be deposited in official depositories. All city funds shall be disbursed by written authorization approved by the Mayor which states the name of the person to whom funds are payable, the purpose of the payment and the fund out of which the funds are payable. Each authorization shall be numbered and recorded.
(KRS 91A.060) (1989 Code, § 33.06)
§ 33.07 FISCAL YEAR.
   The fiscal year shall begin on July l of each year through June 30 of the following year.
(1989 Code, § 33.07) (Ord. 1228, passed - -1971)
Statutory reference:
   Fiscal year, see KRS 91A.030(4) and Section 169 of the Kentucky Constitution
   (A)   The Office of Grant Oversight is hereby established.
   (B)   The Office of Grant Oversight is charged with the following duties:
      (1)   Collection and preservation of relevant statistical information for the city for the purpose of making grant applications;
      (2)   Collect, review, record and notify the Mayor and City Council of all grant applications made by the various city departments;
      (3)   Oversee and supervise all grant applications made by the city;
      (4)   Research and seek grant availability for all city departments;
      (5)   Assist city departments in the grant application processes; and
      (6)   Cooperate and work with the Renaissance/Main Street Director to coordinate grant
writing efforts.
   (C)   The Office of Grant Oversight shall be staffed by a Director who shall have the following qualifications:
      (1)   Extensive knowledge and experience in grant writing procedures;
      (2)   Extensive knowledge in grant research and data collection;
      (3)   Filing and organizational skills;
      (4)   Computer and internet skills;
      (5)   Management abilities;
      (6)   Undergraduate degree or higher in a related field.
   (D)   The Director of the Office of Grant Oversight shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council and serve at the discretion of the Mayor.
(Ord. 2487, passed 5-10-2004)
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ASSESSED VALUE BASIS. The apportionment of cost of an improvement according to the ratio the assessed value of individual parcels of property bears to the total assessed value of all such properties.
   BENEFITS RECEIVED BASIS. The apportionment of cost of an improvement according to equitable determination by Council of the special benefit received by property from the improvement, including assessed value basis, front foot basis and square foot basis, or any combination thereof, and may include consideration of assessed value of land only, graduation for different classes of property based on nature and extent of special benefits received and other factors affecting benefits received.
   COST. All costs related to an improvement, including planning, design, property or easement acquisition and construction costs, fiscal and legal fees, financing costs and publication expenses.
   FAIR BASIS. Assessed value basis, front foot basis, square foot basis or benefits received basis.
   FRONT FOOT BASIS. The apportionment of cost of an improvement according to the ratio the front footage on the improvement of individual parcels of property bears to such front footage of all such properties.
   IMPROVEMENT. Construction of any facility for public use or services or any addition thereto, which is of special benefit to specific properties in the area served by the facility.
   PROPERTY. Any real property benefitted by an improvement.
   SPECIAL ASSESSMENT or ASSESSMENT. A special charge fixed on property to finance an improvement in whole or in part.
   SQUARE FOOT BASIS. The apportionment of cost of an improvement according to the ratio the square footage of individual parcels of property bears to the square footage of all such property.
(KRS 91A.210) (1989 Code, § 33.10)