(A)   Permitted districts. Sexually oriented businesses are a conditional use in the I-2, Heavy Industrial District, subject to the general provisions of this subchapter.
   (B)   Location standards.
      (1)   Distance from residential use. No lot occupied or to be occupied by a sexually oriented business shall be located closer than a 1,000 feet radius of any residential zoning district.
      (2)   Distance from educational, religious and child related use. No lot occupied or to be occupied by a sexually oriented business shall be located closer than a 1,000 feet radius of any school, public or private, college, university, church or other place of worship, library, day care facility, or any public park or playground.
      (3)   Distance from agricultural residential use. No lot occupied or to be occupied by a sexually oriented business shall be located closer than a 1,000 feet radius of any residence in an agricultural zoning district.
      (4)   Distance from other adult oriented use. No lot occupied or to be occupied by a sexually oriented business shall be located closer than a 2,000 feet radius of any other sexually oriented business as defined above.
      (5)   Method of measure of distances. The distances required by this section shall be measured from the closest property line occupied or to be occupied by a sexually oriented business to the closest property line occupied by a protected use, zone district in which a sexually oriented business is not permitted, or another sexually oriented business.
      (6)   Display requirements. A sexually oriented business, except as otherwise provided by laws which may be more restrictive, may not have any on-premise sign which contains commercial advertising, lettering, wording, or pictorial or representational matter which is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depictions of adult/sexual activities and shall also comply with § 116.13(G).
(Ord. 2515, passed 2-14-2005) Penalty, see § 116.99