A stormwater maintenance agreement, approved by the Stormwater Manager, assuring perpetual maintenance of stormwater management improvements, including post-construction BMPs, shall be executed by the applicants to the City of Glasgow. The agreement shall be recorded among the deed records in the Barren County Clerk’s office prior to final plan approval. The agreement shall be covenant running with the land and shall be binding on the landowner, its administrators, executers, heirs, assigns and any other successors of interest, including any homeowners association. A copy of an appropriate maintenance agreement can be obtained from the City of Glasgow Public Works.
   (A)   Operation and maintenance of all stormwater quality and quantity devices, BMP’s and drainage ways shall be the responsibility of the property owner. Operation and maintenance shall be required sufficient to maintain proper function and water quality at the discharge point.
   (B)   Routine inspection are the responsibility of property owner to ensure the stormwater facilities/BMP’s are operating and functioning as designed and that required maintenance activities have accrued. The property owner must submit an inspection report annually to the City of Glasgow. The report shall include any action taken, who took it, when the action was done, how it was done, and any problems encountered or follow-up actions recommended. Maintenance problems shall be inspected monthly or more frequently as necessary to assure safe and proper functioning of the facilities.
   (C)   Example post-construction stormwater facility/BMP maintenance inspection checklists are available.
   (D)   The City of Glasgow and its agents shall have the right of entry to inspect, observe, test or perform any other related activity to the operation, maintenance and function of the stormwater infrastructure. The city has the right to perform inspections and emergency maintenance on said facilities; however, it is not the city’s obligation to maintain the stormwater quality/quantity facility.
(Ord. 2809, passed 12-10-2012)