(A)   It shall be the responsibility of the owner and the occupant of lots or premises adjacent to or abutting upon sidewalks that the same shall be kept at all times in good repair and safe for pedestrian use, free of hazard and maintained as herein provided; and the owner shall assume and pay the expense of repair, maintenance and freedom from hazards. Sidewalk repairs shall consist of the filling with concrete of cracks, hollows or crevices, and the correction of any other condition of disrepair which presents a hazard to pedestrians. Sidewalk maintenance shall consist of the removal of weeds, grass or other vegetation from cracks or crevices in the surface of a sidewalk, and the removal or trimming of tree limbs, shrubbery or other vegetation which restrict the full use of a sidewalk for pedestrian travel or which constitute a hazard to pedestrians. Freedom from hazards shall consist of removal of ice, snow and any other object/or condition hazardous to pedestrian travel.
   (B)   The failure, neglect or refusal of a property owner to keep in good repair a sidewalk adjacent to or abutting upon lands owned by him, and safe for use as a public pedestrian way, or to maintain a sidewalk as aforesaid, shall constitute a misdemeanor, and the property owner shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalties prescribed in § 96.99; and in addition, a property owner shall be liable to the city for any injury to persons or damage to property recovered against the city (including costs and reasonable attorney fees) by reason of said sidewalk being unsafe or in a state of disrepair or inadequately maintained.
(Ord. 182, passed 12-16-91; Am. Ord. 225, passed 8-15-05) Penalty, see § 96.99