Blighted Structures or Conditions
94.01 Definitions
94.02 Unlawful to cause blighted condition
94.03 Notice to remedy prohibited condition
94.04 Failure to remedy prohibited condition; lien
94.15 Definitions
94.16 Declaration of policy
94.17 Unlawful to make noise
94.18 Violations enumerated
94.19 Effective hours of operation
94.20 Anti-noise regulations based upon dB(a) criteria
94.21 Regulations for decibel measurement of noise originating from private properties
94.22 Regulations for decibel measurement of motor driven vehicles on public roads
94.23 Measurement to be made by sound level meter
94.24 Permits
Noxious Weeds
94.35 Duty of property owner to cut specified weeds and grass
94.36 Public notice to cut weeds and grass; notice to individual property owner
94.37 City to cut upon failure of owner
94.38 Account of expenses; cut to constitute debt to city; collection
94.39 Assessment of cost against property
Nuisance animals, see § 91.05
Nuisance trees, see § 97.11
Nuisance junk yards, see § 113.05