(a)   An annual tax is hereby levied on all motor vehicles, the district of registration of which is the City, at the rate of five dollars ($5.00) per motor vehicle, pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4504.171, subject to the exemptions and reductions referred to in that Revised Code Section.
   The tax levied by and within this Section shall be, and is in addition to, and regardless of the following:
      (1)   Any tax being levied by the City of Girard pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4504.06 or 4504.172; and,
      (2)   Any tax received by the City of Girard pursuant to Ohio R.C. 4504.04; and
      (3)   The tax levied by Ohio R.C. 4503.02, 4503.07, and 4503.18; and
      (4)   The taxes at the rate specified in Ohio R.C. 4503.04 and 4503.16.
   (b)   The tax levied by and within subsection (a) hereof shall be for the registration year commencing January 1, 2010, and such tax shall continue in effect during each and every registration year thereafter.
   (c)   The tax levied by and within subsection (a) hereof shall be paid to, and collected by, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles of the State of Ohio, or a Deputy Registrar, at the time of application for registration of a motor vehicle as provided for in Ohio R.C. 4503.10.
   (d)   The tax levied by and within subsection (a) hereof shall be, and is, for the purposes set forth in Section 4504.171 of the Ohio Revised Code.
   All monies derived from the tax levied by and within subsection (a) hereof shall be credited to Street Permissive Tax Fund #203, and shall be appropriated and used by the City solely for the purposes set forth previously in this Section.
(Ord. 7651-09.  Passed 6-8-09.)