(a)   Effective January 1, 2001, all non-profit organizations and charitable organizations doing business in the City of Girard shall file with the Girard City Auditor proof of management consisting of Trustees and/or Officers.
   (b)   Each non-profit organization shall also file a profit law statement with the City Auditor and each charitable organization shall file a copy of its annual report required by the Ohio Attorney General.
   (c)   Said reports shall first be filed with the Girard City Auditor beginning January 1, 2001 and every year thereafter that said organizations are doing business in the City of Girard.
   (d)   A filing fee shall be paid to the City of Girard in the amount of one dollar ($1.00) for each report filed.
   (e)   Failure to file all reports per subsections (a) and (b) hereof will result in forfeiture of rights to use City owned facilities until all requirements are met.
(Ord. 7129-00.  Passed 9-25-00.)