745.06  FARES.
   (a)   All taxicabs operated in the City shall be equipped with meters the purpose of which is to determine the trip fare to be charged any and all passengers.
   (b)   The following rates of fare shall be charged passengers:
      (1)   First two-thirds mile  $ .45
      (2)   Thereafter ten cents (10¢) for each additional one-third mile or fraction thereof.
   (c)   Each cab operated in the City shall be allowed as a waiting rate the sum of three dollars ($3.00) per hour for hourly usage of waiting time and shall be prorated accordingly.
   The rates of fare charged by the driver of any taxicab shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the passenger's compartments of such vehicle, and in other public places, and a copy of such rates shall also be filed with Council, and the licensee shall have no right to revise schedules and fares without the consent of Council.
(Ord. 2926B.  Passed 4-27-59.)