(a)   Responsibility.  No person affected with a disease in a communicable form, or who is a carrier of a communicable disease shall work in any food establishment.  No operator shall employ any person knowing him to be suspected of having or knowing him to be a carrier of a communicable disease.  The operator shall notify the Health Commissioner immediately, if he has reason to believe that an employee has a disease in a communicable form or has become a carrier of a communicable disease.
   (b)   Examinations.  Where the Board of Health determines that X-ray facilities are reasonably available it shall require periodic chest X-ray examinations of all employees or may substitute a negative Mantoux test for a chest X-ray.
   (c)   Procedure When Infection is Suspected.  When the Health Commissioner has reasonable cause to believe that a danger of transmission of infection from any food establishment employee exists, the Health Commissioner is authorized to require any or all of the following measures:
      (1)   The immediate exclusion of the employee from employment in all food establishments;
      (2)   The suspension of the food establishment permit in accordance with the provisions of Section 717.05 until no further danger of disease outbreak exists, in the opinion of the Health Commissioner; or
      (3)   Adequate medical examination of the employee and of his associates, with such laboratory examinations as may be required by the Health Commissioner.
         (Ord. 3746.  Passed 10-26-64.)