(a)   No food establishment shall be operated in the City Health District without a permit from the Board of Health.  Such permit shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the food establishment.
   All permits issued by the Board of Health to operate a food establishment shall expire on December 31, following the date of issuance.
   (b)   An annual fee shall be paid at the time of making application for the permit.  The fee shall be that deemed necessary by the Board of Health to help defray the cost of inspections, records, reports and other phases of this program, and shall be based upon square feet of floor space required, where food or drink is prepared, processed, manufactured, packaged, stored, served, sold or offered for sale.
Fee Schedule
Less than 500 square feet
$ 5.00
500 to 2500 square feet
2500 to 10,000 square feet
10,000 square feet and over
Churches, schools, governmental organizations, hospitals, fraternal, veteran's and non-profit organizations
$ 1.00
Establishments selling only bottled soft drinks
Establishments selling only fresh fruit and vegetables on premises where grown
Carnival, fair and roadside stands, mobile or stationary, selling confections such as: cotton candy, snow cones, candy apples, popcorn, sugar waffles, peanuts, soft drinks or fresh fruit and vegetables
   (c)   The inspections by the Board of Health of establishments located outside the jurisdiction of the Health Department that are not under an approved food establishment program shall be paid for at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per inspection.
   The inspection charges shall be paid monthly on or before the eighteenth day of the month following that month for which the charges were made.
   When a food establishment wishes to sell into the Health District from the outside, the Board of Health shall reciprocate with the Health Department having jurisdiction at the point of origin; provided that such Health Department is conducting a food protection program and that the Health Commissioner responsible for that program shall so certify to the Board of Health.  The Board of Health reserves the right to spot check the establishment concerned and the records of the Health Department having jurisdiction for which no inspection fee shall be charged.  The permit fee shall be one dollar ($1.00) per year.
(Ord. 3746.  Passed 10-26-64.)