Every person desiring to open or keep open a public bowling alley or a public place where ten pin alleys are operated or the game of bowling played thereon, shall first make application to the Mayor for a permit therefor, which, if granted, shall be nontransferable.  The applicant shall give two responsible citizens of the City as references as to the reputation and standing of such applicant.  He shall pay the following fee for such permit: for the first alley, the sum of ten dollars ($10.00); and for each additional alley the sum of one dollar ($1.00), for one year or any part thereof, and the permit shall expire on December 31 of each year.  A permit issued hereunder shall at all times be hung and kept hanging in a conspicuous place in the ten pin alley rooms or the bowling alley or place where the game of bowling is permitted or operated.
(Ord. 3031.  Passed 12-14-59.)