   (A)   It shall be the duty of the Village Police Department and other such persons, as from time to time may be designated by resolution of the Village Board, to apprehend any dogs running at large. Any dog found running at large shall be impounded and may be returned to its owner if the owner is found in compliance with provisions of § 95.18. A police officer may shoot a dog if the dog attacks the officer or approaches the officer in a menacing fashion so that the officer believes that the dog is about to attack him or her.
   (B)   In any event, when a dog is impounded, the impounding authority shall give notice to the owners of the impoundment and advise the owners whether and under what circumstances the dog may be redeemed. The owner of any animal impounded, confined or destroyed pursuant to the terms of this subchapter shall be responsible for all costs of such confinement.
(Prior Code, § 24(A)(7)) (Ord. passed - -)
   The provisions of this subchapter regarding dangerous and vicious dogs shall not apply to animals owned by law enforcement agencies and used for law enforcement purposes.
(Prior Code, § 24(A)(9)) (Ord. passed - -)
§ 95.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99.
   (B)   Whoever violates any provision of §§ 95.15 through 95.22 may be punished by a forfeiture fine of not less than $100 and not more than $500. Every day that a violation of this subchapter continues, it shall be deemed a separate offense. In addition to the foregoing penalties, any person who violates this subchapter shall pay all expenses including shelter, food, handling, veterinary care and expert testimony fees necessitated by enforcement of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 24(A)(8)) (Ord. passed - -)