(A)   General discharge prohibitions.
      (1)   No user shall discharge or cause to be discharged to the town's sewerage systems, or to any public sewer that directly or indirectly connects to the town's sewerage system, any wastes which will interfere with the operation or performance of the POTW and may have an adverse or harmful effect on sewers, maintenance personnel, personnel or equipment treatment plant processes or the quality of treatment plant effluent or residue, public or private property, or wastes which may otherwise endanger the public, the environment, or create a public nuisance. No user shall discharge or cause to be discharged to the town's sewerage systems, or to any public sewer that directly or indirectly connects to the town's sewerage systems, any wastes which adversely affect water reclamation processes or the quality of reclaimed water, cause a violation of any national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) requirements, or place the town in noncompliance with any of the statutory authorities listed in C.F.R., Title 40, part 403.3(i). These general prohibitions apply to all such users of a POTW whether or not the user is subject to federal categorical pretreatment standards or any other national, state, or local pretreatment standards or requirements.
      (2)   The following wastes are prohibited:
         (a)   Any liquids, solids or gases which by reason of their nature or quantity are, or may be, sufficient either alone or by interaction with other substances to cause fire or explosion or be injurious in any other way to the sewerage system, the POTW, or to the operation of the POTW. This includes but is not limited to wastestreams with a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140º F. or 600ºC. using the test methods specified in 40 C.F.R., part 261.21. At no time shall two successive readings on an explosion hazard meter, at the point of discharge into the system or at any point in the system be more than 5% nor any single reading over 10% of the lower explosive limit (LED) of the meter. Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to, gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethers, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, solvent, fuel oil, peroxides, chlorates perchlorates, bromates, carbides, hydrides and sulfides.
         (b)   Solid or viscous substances which may cause obstruction to the flow in a sewer or other interference with the operation of the wastewater treatment facilities such as, but not limited to: grease, any garbage or waste, other than domestic wastewater, that is not ground sufficiently to pass through a 3/8-inch screen, dead animals, animal guts or tissues, paunch manure, bones, hair, hides or fleshing, entrails, whole blood, feathers, offal, ashes, cinders, sand, spent lime, stone or marble dust, metal, glass, straw, industrial process shavings, diatomaceous earth, grass clippings, rags, spent grains, spent hops, wood, plastics, tar, asphalt residues mud, or glass grinding wastes or polishing wastes, paper dishes, paper cups, milk containers or other similar paper products whole or ground or materials which tend to solidify in the sewer and obstruct wastewater flow.
         (c)   Any wastewater having a pH less than 5.0 and greater than 9.0, or having any other corrosive or detrimental characteristics capable of causing damage or hazard to the sewerage system or to structures, equipment, and/or personnel of the POTW. Where a user is required by its permit to continuously monitor the pH of its wastewater discharge, the user shall maintain the pH within the range set forth in its permit.
         (d)   Any wastewater containing toxic or poisonous solids, liquids or gas pollutants in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other pollutants, to injure or interfere detrimentally with any wastewater treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans, animals, or the environment, create a toxic effect in the receiving waters of the POTW, cause a public nuisance, cause any hazardous condition to occur in the sewerage system, or to exceed the limitation set forth in a categorical pretreatment standard. A toxic pollutant shall include but not be limited to any pollutant identified pursuant to Section 307(a) of the Act.
         (e)   Any wastewater containing toxic pollutants which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors, or fumes within the POTW and/or the sewerage system in a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems.
         (f)   Any noxious or malodorous liquids gases or solids which either singly or by interaction with other wastes are sufficient to create a public nuisance or hazard to life or are sufficient to prevent entry into the sewers for maintenance and repair.
         (g)   Any substance which may cause the POTW's effluent or any other product of the POTW as residues, sludges, or scums, to be unsuitable for reclamation and reuse or to interfere with the reclamation process. In no case, shall a substance discharged to the POTW cause the POTW to be in non-compliance with sludge use or disposal criteria, guidelines or regulations developed under Section 405 of the Act; any criteria, guidelines, or regulations affecting sludge use of disposal developed pursuant to the Solid Waste Disposal Act, the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, or state criteria applicable to the sludge management method being used.
         (h)   Any substance which will cause the POTW to violate its NPDES and/or state disposal system permit or the receiving water quality standards.
         (i)   Any wastewater having a temperature of 60º C. (140º F.) or higher, or which may cause the temperature of the treatment plant influent to exceed 40º C. (104º F). Limits established by the Public Works Director in compliance with applicable state or federal regulations.
         (j)   Any waste containing substances that may precipitate, solidify, gel, polymerize or become viscous under conditions normally found in the sewerage system.
         (k)   Recognizable portions of the human anatomy.
         (l)   Any hazardous waste discharged to any portion of the POTW treatment plant by truck, rail or dedicated pipe line.
         (m)   Any discharge of pollutants., including oxygen demanding pollutants (BOD, and the like), released at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration which a user knows or has reason to know will cause interference to the POTW. An affirmative defense for a user requires the user to satisfy two conditions as follows: it did not know or have reason to know, that its discharge would cause pass-through or interference; and it was in compliance with existing limits for each pollutant in its discharge; or, if a limit was not enacted for such pollutant(s), its discharge directly before and during the pass-through or interference did not change substantially from its prior discharge(s) which occurred when the POTW remained in compliance with its national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) permit.
         (n)   Any wastewater containing any radioactive waste or isotopes of such half life or concentration as may exceed limits established by the Public Works Director in compliance with applicable state or federal regulations.
         (o)   Any wastewater which causes a hazard to human life or creates a public nuisance.
         (p)   Wastewater which imparts color which cannot be removed by the treatment process such as, but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions.
         (q)   Petroleum oil, nonbiodegradable cutting oil, or products of mineral oil origin.
         (r)   Any waste containing dispersed biodegradable oils, fats, and greases such as lard, tallow or vegetable oil.
         (s)   Any waste containing detergents, surface active agents, or other substances, which may cause foaming in the sewerage system.
         (t)   Storm water, surface water, ground water, artesian well water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, condensate, deionized water, noncontact cooling water, and unpolluted wastewater.
         (u)   Sludges, screenings, or other residues from the pretreatment of industrial wastes.
         (v)   Medical wastes.
         (w)   Wastewater causing, alone or in conjunction with other sources, the treatment plant's effluent to fail a toxicity test.
      (3)   When the Public Works Director determines that a user(s) is contributing to the POTW, any of the above enumerated substances in such amounts as to interfere with or pass-through of the operation of the POTW, the Public Works Director shall advise the user(s) of the impact of the discharge on the POTW; and require the user to correct the interference with the POTW. Wastewater discharges in excess of the limits established by the town or applicable federal pretreatment standards shall constitute excessive concentrations or quantities prohibited by this section.
   (B)   Disposal of vehicle-transported liquid wastes to the sewerage system. 
      (1)   No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any wastes from septic tanks, seepage pits, cesspools, chemical toilets or other approved waste-holding devices, any industrial liquid wastes or any other liquid wastes from a vacuum pumping truck or other liquid transport vehicles, directly or indirectly to the town's sewerage facilities without first obtaining the Public Works Director approval and a permit to discharge to the sewerage system (waste hauler permit). A separate waste hauler permit shall be required for each wastewater transport truck that discharges to the town's POTW treatment plant. No person shall discharge any hazardous wastes, as defined by federal or state law, from any vehicle directly or indirectly to the town's POTW treatment plant.
      (2)   A holder of a waste hauler permit shall discharge wastewater only at the approved location of the POTW treatment plant, and may discharge only domestic wastewater from septic tanks, seepage pits, cesspools, chemical toilets or approved waste-holding devices. Discharge of industrial wastes or any wastes other than specified above is prohibited unless a town's permit for wastewater discharge (permit) has first been obtained by the generator of such wastes together with the written permission of the Public Works Director to discharge wastewater at the approved location. Emergency discharge of may be granted only through written permission of the Public Works Director, and shall be made only at the approved location and times designated by the Public Works Director.
      (3)   Applicants for a waste hauler permit shall complete a town's application form available at the offices of the Town Engineer. This application shall be accompanied by the applicable fees. The user shall be required to submit, in units and terms appropriate for evaluation, the following information:
         (a)   Name, address, telephone number, and description of the industries, or clients using the user's services.
         (b)   Whichever is applicable, name, address of any and all principals/owners/major shareholders of the company; articles of incorporation; most recent report of the Secretary of State; business license; state permit number.
         (c)   Name and address of leaseholder of the vehicle or trailer, if applicable.
         (d)   Number of trucks and trailers and the license numbers and tank hauling capacity of each.
      (4)   Upon receipt of a fully completed application form and all required information, the application shall be processed and reviewed by the Public Works Director. If approved by the Public Works Director, a waste hauler permit will be issued. Yearly renewal of the permit is required.
      (5)   A waste hauler permit shall be expressly subject to all provisions of this chapter and all other regulations, charges for use, and fees established by the town. The conditions of the permits shall be uniformly enforced by the town in accordance with this chapter and applicable state and federal regulations.
      (6)   The issuance of a waste hauler permit will contain the following conditions or limitations:
         (a)   Requirements for maintaining and submitting waste hauling records and waste manifests.
         (b)   The source of the wastewater including the generators name and location.
         (c)   A certification statement from the generator and the holder of the waste hauler permit as specified in § 52.079.
      (7)   No person shall discharge any prohibited or restricted wastes as described in this subchapter at the approved disposal location for wastewater transport trucks. The town may require proof of the origin of truck-transported wastes, and physical and chemical analyses of any wastes before permission is granted to dispose of such wastes at the approved location. The town may reject wastes that the Public Works Director has reason to believe may be a hazardous waste, an industrial waste that has not been properly permitted, or any other waste with unusual or unknown characteristics which may require further analyses to determine its acceptability for sewer disposal.
      (8)   Holders of the waste hauler permit shall pay all applicable permit fees, permit renewal fees and wastewater disposal fees. A charge for use to cover all costs of the town for providing the disposal station at the POTW treatment plant and monitoring shall be established by the town.
      (9)   The Public Works Director may revoke or suspend a waste hauler permit in accordance with the procedures described in §§ 52.046, 52.097, and 52.098 upon a finding that the permit holder has violated any provision of this chapter. Any person whose waste hauler permit has been suspended or revoked shall immediately cease and desist all discharge of truck-transported wastes to the town's sewerage system.
      (10)   Any person found to be dumping truck-transported wastes directly or indirectly to the town's sewerage system at any location other than the approved location at the POTW treatment plant, shall be in violation, of this chapter. Such person shall at the direction of the Public Works Director be subject to all enforcement provisions of §§ 52.095 through 52.100 including prohibition by the town from any future use of the POTW for disposal of wastes from wastewater transport trucks.
      (11)   Recreational vehicle sanitary waste disposal at the approved disposal location shall also be subject to regulation by the Public Works Director.
   (C)   Medical and infectious wastes. No person shall discharge solid wastes from hospitals, clinics, offices of medical doctors, dentists, mortuaries, morgues, long terra health care, medical laboratories or other medical facilities to the POTW including, but not limited to red bag wastes, hypodermic needles, syringes, instruments, utensils or other paper and plastic items of a disposal nature, or wastes excluded by other provisions of this chapter.
   (D)   Prohibition of dilution and excessive POTW hydraulic loading. No user shall dilute and/or cause excessive POTW hydraulic loading problems, including but not limited to:
      (1)   Any water added for the purpose of diluting wastes which would otherwise exceed maximum concentration limits.
      (2)   Any rain water, storm water runoff, groundwater, street drainage, roof drainage, yard drainage, lawn sprays or uncontaminated water except where prior approval for such discharge is given by the Public Works Director.
      (3)   Any deionized water, steam condensate or distilled water in amounts which cause problems with hydraulic loading.
      (4)   Any blow-down or bleed water from hearing, ventilating, air conditioning or other evaporative systems exceeding one-third of the makeup water in a two-hour period.
      (5)   Any single pass cooling or heating water.
(Ord. 09-03, passed 2-10-2009)