The Village Administrator is authorized and directed to promptly cause the abatement of any public nuisance conditions as defined and enumerated in this Chapter in the following manner:
   (a)   In the event a public nuisance has not been corrected upon the expiration of the date for completion set forth in any Notice and Order to Correct, including any extensions thereof granted by the Village Administrator or the Village Council pursuant to the Appeal rights contained in Section 532.08, the Village Administrator shall notify Village Council of same and, upon the affirmative vote of a majority of Council approving same, shaJI have the right to enter upon the premises and abate the nuisance found therein.
   (b)   In case the Village abates the nuisance and the cost is not paid within the time affixed by the Village Administrator, the Village Administrator shall cause a second Notice to be served upon the owner which shall itemize the cost of the goods or services rendered in abating the nuisance and allowing thirty days for the owner to reimburse the Village for all such costs. In the event that such costs are not paid within thirty days, the Village Administrator shall report the failure to pay to the Village Council, which may then collect the total cost of abating any nuisances declared under this Ordinance by any lawful manner, including those set forth in Ohio Revised Code Section 715.261.
      (Ord. 4-2020. Passed 3-19-20.)