Whenever a complaint is made to the Village Administrator of the existence of a public nuisance in the Village, he shall cause to be inspected the premises on which it is alleged that such a public nuisance exists. Should the Village Administrator determine that any property, surrounding area, or accessory structure, or any portion thereof, fails to meet the requirements set forth in this Code, he shall issue a Notice of Violation and Order to Correct, setting forth the alleged failures and advising the owner(s) or person(s) having temporary control of the premises that such failures must be corrected. The Notice and Order to Correct shall:
(a) Be in writing.
(b) Describe by address the property where the violations are alleged to exist or to have been committed.
(c) Set forth the particular provision(s) of this Code alleged to have been violated.
(d) Provide an estimate of the cost of abating the same if done by the Village.
(e) Specify a reasonable time not less than thirty (30) days, determined by the Village Administrator, within which the owner shall abate the nuisance or pay the estimated cost to the Village, and a statement that, unless the nuisance is abated within the stated time, it may be abated by the Village and the cost of the abatement assessed on the real estate involved or otherwise recovered by the Village pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 715.261.
(f) Inform the Owner, Tenant or Occupant that the Nuisance must be corrected, or an appeal filed pursuant to Section 532.08 of this chapter, within thirty (30) calendar days.
(g) Include any known information such as phone number and location to seek possible remedial or financial assistance.
(h) Be served upon the owner or other person having control of the premises by:
(1) Certified U.S. Mail endorsed for delivery to addressee only. In the event that Certified Mail is returned endorsed as unclaimed or refused delivery, service may then be made by Regular U.S. Mail
(2) The Notice and Order of the violation may be served by personal delivery to the owner, or leaving it at the owner's usual place of business or residence, or by posting it in a conspicuous place on the real estate, building or structure involved, or by publishing it once in a newspaper of general circulation within the Village if it cannot be served in any of the other ways above-mentioned.
(Ord. 4-2020. Passed 3-19-20.)