Prior to the release of the record plat, the following information shall be supplied in addition to the requirements set forth in Section 1135.06 of these Regulations:
   (a)   If the developer has installed any or all improvements, certification will be required at the time of release of the record plat for recording guaranteeing that all required improvements have been installed. A maintenance bond shall be required.
   (b)   If no improvements have been installed, the submission of a performance bond or other surety shall be furnished assuring installation and initial maintenance of the required improvements.
   (c)   Every submission shall be reviewed and shall conform to the standards established in Part Eleven, Title One, Zoning Ordinance, of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Gibsonburg. Each submission shall be accompanied by the applicant's site development planning information for the proposed development. No work may begin, nor shall the record plat be recorded prior to the Village approval of the storm runoff and soil erosion control plan for the site.
   (d)   Where applicable, a homeowner association shall be established for the purpose of permanently maintaining all private open space, private streets, recreational and drainage facilities within the established subdivision as appropriate. Such homeowners association agreements, guaranteeing the continual maintenance of said facilities, shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval of the Village Solicitor prior to release of the record plat of the subdivision.
      (Ord. 31-2007. Passed 12-20-07.)