The record plat shall contain the following information:
   (a)   Name and Location of the Subdivision. Name of the subdivision, location by section, date, north point, scale, acreage to thousandths of acre and deed book and page reference. All replat applications within existing subdivisions shall retain the same name as the original subdivision.
   (b)   Names of Engineer and Surveyor. Name, address, and phone number of the professional engineer or registered surveyor who prepared the plat, and appropriate registration numbers and seals.
   (c)   Boundary Lines. Plat boundaries, based on accurate traverse, with angular and lineal dimensions in measurements to hundredths of a foot and bearings to the second. The basis of the bearings shall be stated. All dimensions, both lineal and angular, shall correspond with a field survey employing such techniques that the most remote point encompassed by the survey shall register in both distance and azimuth to an error ratio of 1 part in 10,000. Submission shall include the superimposed plat as identified in subsection (d) hereof. All such measurements and calculations must be performed by, or under the direct supervision of, a registered professional surveyor.
   (d)   Background Drawing. Every plat shall be superimposed on a survey of the lands of the dedicators from which such plat is drawn, and shall contain accurate background drawing of any metes-and-bounds descriptions of the land of the dedicators from which such plat is drawn.
   (e)   Bearings - Distances. True bearings and distances to nearest established street lines, established survey lines or other recognized permanent monuments.
   (f)   Public Ways. Exact location, right-of-way, and names of all public and private streets within and adjoining the plat; radii, internal angles, points of curvature, tangent bearings, and lengths of arcs of all streets within the plat; and location and width of all bikeways and walkways within and adjoining the plat.
   (g)   Easements.  
      (1)   All easements provided for public or private services of utilities described as to purpose.
      (2)   Acknowledgment of the owner or owners to the plat and restrictions, including dedications to public use of all streets, alleys, parks, sanitary sewer and water lines, storm sewers, drainage easements, gas lines, or other open spaces shown thereon and the granting of the required easements, as shall be indicated by the following statement:
   “Easements shown on this plat are for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, or removal of water lines, gas lines, storm sewer drainage, sanitary sewer, electric, telephone or other utilities or services, and for the express privilege of removing any and all trees or other obstructions to the free use of said utilities and for providing of ingress and egress to the property for said purpose, and are to be maintained as such forever."
   (h)   Lot Lines and Lot Numbers. All lot numbers, in numerical order, and lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths. Lot lines shall be shown with dimensions in feet and hundredths and with bearings and angles to the seconds if other than right angles to street and alley lines. All non-radial lines shall be labeled as such.
   (i)   Monuments. Accurate location and description of all permanent reference monuments and pins.
   (j)   Property Offered for Dedication. Accurate outlines of areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, or any area to be reserved for the common use of all property owners. The use and accurate boundary locations shall be shown for each parcel of land to be dedicated.
   (k)   Deed Restrictions. Any private restrictions and covenants shall be shown on the record plat; including boundaries of each type of use restriction and other private restrictions for each definitely restricted section of the subdivision.
   (l)   Surveyors Certification. Certification by a registered surveyor to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him/her and that the monuments shown thereon exist as located and that all dimensional details are correct; that he/she has fully complied with the requirements of these Regulations and the subdivision laws of the State of Ohio governing surveying, dividing and mapping of the land; and that the plat is a correct representation of all exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and the subdivision of it.
   (m)   Adjoining Subdivisions and Tracts of Land. The names of record of all abutting tracts with their deed book and page reference and the plat book reference of all abutting plats.
   (n)   Jurisdictional Boundaries. Any section lines, corporation limits, township and county lines shall be accurately documented and located on the plat and their names lettered thereon.
   (o)   Water Course. In the case a subdivision is traversed by a stream or creek, the location of such channel, stream or creek shall be identified on the plat and the appropriate easement width shall be shown.
   (p)   Additional Requirements.  
      (1)   Any additional statements, certifications, affidavits, studies and information required by the Planning Commission, or the Village Council shall be provided by the developer.
      (2)   When any application submitted to the Village for some permit, certificate or approval involves submission of technical information by the applicant, it shall be recognized that the Village may need to incur expenses for the services of engineers or other experts to evaluate such technical data. As a condition of the Village agreeing to consider any such application; the applicant must agree to reimburse the Village for such expenses. The reimbursement shall be received by the Village Fiscal Officer before any such permit, certificate or approval is issued or granted.
         (Ord. 31-2007. Passed 12-20-07.)