(a)    Any sewer line constructed under this section, as directed by Council in Section 921.32(c) shall be installed and financed by the Municipality.
   (b)    The Manager shall prepare a Plan of Financing for projects constructed under Section 921.32(a) to include:
      (1)    Tap-in fees or assessments to be levied on users of the project (if any);
      (2)    Portions of annual user charge revenues to be ear-marked for debt retirement of this project, if any; and
      (3)    Sewer Account Capital Improvement Funds to be ear-marked for debt retirement of this project, if any.
   (c)    Funds identified in Sections 921.32(b)(2) and (3) shall be an encumbrance on the Sewer Fund for the term of the financing of the project and shall be so certified by the Chief Financial Officer of the Municipality.
   (d)    Contributions by intervening users as defined in Section 921.28 shall remain entirely with the Municipality for any sewer line constructed and financed under this section.
(Ord. 92-65. Passed 11-2-92.)