   (A)   Protected areas. Where land proposed for subdivision is deemed environmentally sensitive by the city due to the existence of wetlands, drainageways, watercourses, floodable areas, significant trees, steep slopes or wooded areas, the design of said subdivision shall clearly reflect all necessary measures to ensure against adverse environmental impacts. Based upon the necessity to control and maintain certain sensitive areas, the city shall determine whether said protection will be accomplished through lot enlargement and redesign or dedication of those sensitive areas in the form of outlots. In general, measures of protection shall include design solutions that allow for construction and grading involving a minimum of alteration to sensitive areas. Such measures, when deemed appropriate by the city, may include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   The establishment of buffers designed consistent with adopted management plans, if any, easements and/or outlots over wetlands, drainageways and watercourses as approved by the City Engineer.
      (2)   The implementation of flood control measures, including ponding and infiltration design standards as specified in adopted management plans, if any, and approved by the City Engineer.
      (3)   The enlargement of lots or redesign of the subdivision.
      (4)   The submission of a tree preservation plan subject to the approval of the City Council.
      (5)   The utilization of appropriate erosion control measures subject to approval by the City Engineer.
      (6)   Soil testing to determine the ability of the proposed subdivision to support development.
      (7)   The limitation of development on slopes steeper than three to one (3:1).
      (8)   Structure conformance to the natural limitations presented by the topography and soil so as to create the least potential of soil erosion, as determined by the City Engineer.
   (B)   Tree preservation. The following process for preserving significant trees shall be required of subdividers. Subdividers shall preserve, where feasible, all healthy trees of significant value even if the trees are less than six inches in diameter.
      (1)   Definitions. The following words and terms, whenever they occur in this section, are defined as follows:
         (a)   DIAMETER. The measurement of a tree's trunk measured four and one-half feet above the ground.
         (b)   DRIP LINE. The farthest distance away from the trunk of a tree that rain or dew will fall directly to the ground from the leaves or branches of the tree or one foot per one inch of diameter, whichever is greater.
         (c)   SIGNIFICANT TREE. A healthy tree measuring six inches in diameter or greater.
         (d)   TREE CERTIFICATION. A certified inventory of trees on the site after work is complete listing all trees and their final disposition, which is signed by a licensed forester or landscape architect.
         (e)   TREE PRESERVATION PLAN. A plan and inventory certified by a forester or landscape architect indicating all of the significant trees and their locations in the proposed development or on the lot. The tree preservation plan shall include the size, species, tag numbers, and location of all significant trees proposed to be saved and removed on the area of development, and the measures proposed to protect the significant trees to be saved.
         (f)   TREE PROTECTION. Snow fencing or polyethylene laminar safety netting placed at the drip line of the significant trees to be preserved. The tree protection measures shall be shown on tree preservation plan drawings and remain in place until all grading and construction activity is terminated.
      (2)   Subdivider responsibilities. Subdividers shall:
         (a)   Prepare a tree preservation plan. Such plan shall be superimposed on the grading plan, if any.
         (b)   Ensure the tree preservation plan is followed during the plan development including any mass grading.
      (3)   The tree preservation plan must be certified by a forester or landscape architect. The forester or landscape architect shall indicate on the plan the following items:
         (a)   Graded areas and proposed grades.
         (b)   Size, species, tag numbers, and location of all significant trees.
         (c)   Identification of all significant trees proposed to be saved and significant trees proposed to be removed.
         (d)   Measures proposed to protect significant trees shall include, but are not limited to:
            1.   Installation of snow fencing or polyethylene- laminar safety netting at the drip line.
            2.   Placing fill against the trunk of the tree, on the root crown, and under the drip line of the tree shall be prohibited.
            3.   Installation of erosion control measures.
            4.   Prevention of change in soil chemistry due to concrete washout and leakage or spillage of toxic materials such as fuels or paints.
            5.   Pruning of oak trees must not take place from April 15 through July 1. If wounding of oak trees occurs, a nontoxic tree wound dressing must be applied immediately. Excavators must have a nontoxic tree wound dressing with them on the development site.
      (4)   During preliminary plat review, the tree preservation plan will be reviewed according to the best available layout to preserve significant trees and the efforts of the subdivider to mitigate damage to significant trees.
      (5)   The subdivider shall provide a financial guarantee as part of the development contract in an amount necessary to guarantee replacement of all significant trees which were to have been saved but were actually destroyed or damaged.
      (6)   After grading has been completed and streets and utilities installed, the forester or landscape architect shall:
         (a)   Certify in writing to the city the status of all trees indicated as save trees in the approved plan.
         (b)   Certify in writing to the city whether tree protection measures were installed.
         (c)   Certify the status of any remove designated trees that were saved.
      (7)   If a significant tree indicated to be saved on the tree preservation plan is destroyed or damaged, tree replacement as required by this chapter will be enforced by the city.
      (8)   The financial security required in division (5) above will be released upon certification in writing by the forester or landscape architect indicating the tree protection measures were installed on graded lots and tree replacement is completed, if necessary;
      (9)   Removal of tree preservation measures shall require written approval from the City Engineer. Tree preservation measures shall not be removed from the site until the City Engineer has approved the grading as built plans for a mass graded site nor prior to the release of financial securities held by the city.
      (10)   Tree Replacement Policy. Subdividers shall be required to replace the significant trees which were indicated on the tree preservation plan to be saved but ultimately were destroyed or damaged. The subdivider and builder shall be required to replace each of the significant trees destroyed or damaged with two replacement trees. Replacement trees must consist of nursery stock and be no less than the following sizes:
         (a)   Deciduous trees. No less than two and one-half-inches in diameter.
         (b)   Coniferous trees. No less than six feet high.
      (11)   Replacement trees shall be species similar to the trees which were destroyed or damaged and shall comply with the requirements of § 152.10.
      (12)   Replacement trees shall not be placed on easements or street rights of way. The city shall determine the locations of tree replacement for subdivider's tree plans.
   No subdivision of real property in which the divided tract is described by metes and bounds shall be permitted, unless all tracts meet the following standards:
   (A)   Each lot, located in a shoreland area or containing a wetland area must be a minimum of five acres in size; and all other lots must be a minimum of two and one-half acres in size;
   (B)   Certification of public road access;
   (C)   All roads must be identified on the surveyor’s drawing;
   (D)   Sufficient suitable area for the installation of two standard on-site sewage treatment systems;
   (E)   A registered surveyor’s drawing accompanies the document creating the subdivision for recording, as required by § 152.03(D) above; and
   (F)   The surveyor’s drawing contains the following form for signature by the property owner: I hereby certify that the subdivided property described in this survey meets the city requirements for public road access and sewage treatment systems.
   (A)   Variances from standards. In any case where, upon application of any subdivider to the Board of Adjustment, it appears by reason of exceptional circumstances, that the strict enforcement of any provision of the standards would cause unusual hardship under the circumstances, the Board of Adjustment may permit a variance therefrom upon such conditions as it may prescribe consistent with the general purposes of this chapter and the intent of this and all other applicable State and local regulation.
   (B)   Appeals. The Board of Adjustment shall hear and decide appeals from and review any order, requirements, decisions or determinations made by any city Administrative Officer charged with enforcing any provision of this chapter.
§ 152.13 FEES.
   As provided by M.S. § 462.353, Subd. 4, as it may be amended from time to time, fees may be established as follows:
   (A)   The Council may in a separate ordinance or in the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges, adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time, prescribe fees sufficient to defray the costs incurred in reviewing, investigating and administering applications for a preliminary or final plat, or an application for some other approval required under this chapter.
   (B)   These fees must be fair, reasonable and proportionate to the actual cost of the service for which the fee is imposed. The city shall adopt management and accounting procedures to ensure that fees are maintained and used only for the purpose for which they are collected.
   (C)   If a dispute arises over a specific fee imposed by a city, the amount of the fee must be deposited and held in escrow, and the person aggrieved by the fee may appeal to district court as provided by M.S. § 462.361, as it may be amended from time to time. The application shall proceed as if the fee had been paid, pending a decision by the court.
   (A)   This chapter shall be administered and enforced by the Administrative Officer who is hereby designated the enforcing officer.
   (B)   Any violation of the terms and provisions of this chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided in § 10.99. All fines paid for violations shall be credited to the City General Revenue Fund. Each 24-hour day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
   (C)   In the event of a violation or threatened violation of this chapter, the City Council and/or the Administrative Officer, in addition to other remedies may institute appropriate actions or proceedings to prevent, restrain, correct or abate such violations or threatened violations, and it shall be the duty of the City Attorney to institute such action. This will include, but not be limited to, mandamus, injunction, or any other appropriate remedy in any court of competent jurisdiction.
   (D)   A person who knowingly makes or submits a false statement or document in connection with an application or procedure required by this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided by § 10.99.
City Council of the City of                              
RE:   Plat of________________________________________________________________
Preliminary Opinion
I hereby certify that I have examined the above-described plat including the signatories thereon and an abstract of title consisting of entries__________through__________inclusive, last certified by (Abstract Co.) to the hour of 8:00 a.m. on__________. From such examination I conclude that good record title in fee simple absolute is in the subdividers’ so as to vest in the public those right-of-way rights and easement rights as in the plat, subject to the following:
which shall be cured prior to the recording of the plat. I further agree to furnish the Final Title Opinion following the recording of the plat as required by Chapter 152 of the City Code of Ordinances.
City Council of the City of                              
RE:    Plat of________________________________________________________________
Final Opinion
I hereby certify that I have examined all records relating to the above described plat in the office of the County Recorder from the date of the abstract of title to__________, the date the plat was recorded. From such examination I conclude:
   1.   That all defects cited in the Preliminary Opinion have been cured;
   2.   That as of the date of recording, good record title in fee simple absolute was in the subdividers; and
   3.   That the public is vested with those right-of-way rights and easement rights as in the plat indicated.